Learn about our 2024 Stewardship campaign and make your pledge below!

If times feel uncertain right now, it is because they are. There is turmoil and unrest and unease across the world and in our own country. We are only now emerging from a nearly 3-year pandemic that shut down our church’s in-person worship and curtailed countless church activities. And right in the middle of that we said good-bye to a pastor of more than ten years and welcomed an interim, whose very title suggests something temporary. Our neighbors are seeking food at higher rates than ever. We struggle to welcome and support refugees seeking solace from unimaginable struggle and pain a half a world away.

The disruption faced by the church and the world is echoed in the disruption in each and every one of our lives. Loved ones have gotten sick. Some have died. Friends have moved away.

Confidence in Exile

When Babylon conquered Judah, and sent the Israelites into exile, they, too, felt uncertain and longed for a firmer foundation. During their exile, the prophet Jeremiah, wrote them a letter of reassurance in which, speaking in the words of Yahweh, “I know the plans I have for you, plans for our welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”

Surely we, too, can claim these words as our own, knowing that God has for us a future that secures our welfare, keeps us from harm and gives us hope. What gives us the confidence to make so bold a claim?

In part, it must be because we have persevered, we have been sustained, through it all. God was faithful, so why wouldn’t God continue to be faithful into our unwritten future?

I ♥ My Church

This fall we will be reflecting with gratitude on how we have survived so much turmoil. Let’s reflect and pray about what helped us through the past two years? What sustain us? What role did the church play in helping us? The answers to these questions lead us to declare: “I love my church because….” And all those ways testify to God’s abundance and care and blessing. From those testimonials of why you love the church, can come gratitude and renewed sense of confidence as we are wont to recite: God is good all the time. And all the time God is good.

 What Can I Do?

You can prayerfully make a pledge online or using a mail-in form by clicking one of the buttons on this page. You can let us know why you ♥  your church, using the form below. Comments will be published online.  You can also view brief videos on this page from others at UUCC about why they love the church.

I ♥ My Church Because… (add your own reasons using the comment form below)

  • I enjoy singing in the choir
  • I need that oasis to come to each week where I can pause and reflect on what is most important.
  • I can get to know caring people who I may have to rely on on occasion. 


Stewardship Comments

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Click to submit a prayerful pledge online for 2024

Download a pledge card (pdf) that you can print and fill out.

Download a form you can fill out for electronic bank transfer.

See what others are saying – brief videos from our congregation!

Ken Briggs, Amy Christiansen, Liz Colton
Wesley Keeler,Wilona Keeler, Jessica Lown
Michelle Thies, Chris Thompson
Mike Coveyou, Jon Duvick, Bridget Edwards
Carol Looney, Ryan Nussbaum, Steve Rebelsky
Jon Greising, Bob Harding, Sandy Hecht
Mark Siegel, Rachel Siegel, Bobby Stinnet
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