
children & youth: shine on singers choir | youth handbell choir
adults: adult choir | adult handbells | the raggedy band

Our music program staff: Steven Linn (program director)Bobby Stinnett (organ)

Children & Youth

“Shine on Singers” (SOS) Choir (Younger Elementary)


The SOS Choir practices Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m., and:

  • sings simple unison melodies
  • sings two-part harmony from music, song sheets and word charts (for non-readers)
  • explores music through singing, movement, and playing of pitched and non-pitched instruments
  • performs at worship services monthly (2nd Sunday) from September until May
  • performs at the 5:30 Christmas Eve service
  • ends the year performing in a spring musical

*Any known choir absence may be sent to


Youth Handbell Choir (Older Elementary)

The Youth Handbell Choir practices Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., and:

  • ranges in music reading skills from beginner to advanced
  • reads from musical scores to play the assigned parts in Handbell music
  • performs at worship services monthly (3rd Sunday) from September until May

All players are expected to help set up/take down tables, bells, and music.

*Attendance is important and ringers must notify the director if an absence is to occur.



Adult Choir

  • welcomes those who have completed confirmation through senior adults
  • sings regularly in the worship service, offering anthems and other service music
  • gives the opportunity to explore music and texts covering about five centuries
  • practices during the program year every Wednesday evening from 7:00-8:30
  • offers long-term or short-term singing options

If you are interested in joining the choir or want more information, contact the director, Steven Linn, at or call the church office at 276-0625.


Adult Handbells

  • welcomes senior high students and adults
  • assigns players based on their individual music reading level and comfort level (lighter vs. heavier bells)
  • practices during the program year on Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
  • performs during the program year on a monthly basis
  • provides a weekly outlet for social time and musical camaraderie

*Attendance is important and ringers must notify the director if an absence is to occur.

*All players will be expected to help set up/take down tables, bells, and music.


The Raggedy Band

The Raggedy Band (TRB) was born out of the realization that the congregation was bursting with musical talent in various forms. The Band:

  • plays for worship services about once a month
  • rehearses at church following Sunday morning worship (but somewhat flexible based on personal schedules)
  • varies in number depending on the schedules and availability of the musicians, but the current instrumentation is: flute, piano, guitar, bass, and guitar
  • is always open to new members, and would welcome the opportunity to talk with you about what we do and where your talents could fit in

Contact Jon Greising for more information:

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