Education at Urbandale UCC

Christian Education at Urbandale United Church of Christ is a spirit-filled adventure for all ages, from 3 years old to adult.

children & youth | adults | vacation bible school

Children & Youth

Download the 2024-2025 Sunday School Registration Form (PDF, 68 KB)

Read our Safety Policy (PDF, 41KB)

Preschool–5th Grades

During the program year

Sunday school (Preschool-5th grades) 9-9:45am

Sunday school begins Sunday, September 10th. Please join us in the choir room from 9-9:10am for singing. We then head upstairs to our classroom until 9:45am for our bible story and other activities. Kelly Jacobson, Claire Sowder, Sarah Boelts, and Taena Fowler will lead our younger youth. We will use Illustrated Ministries Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs that is a Vacation Bible School type curriculum with many opportunities to help our bible stories come alive through play, creativity, yoga, music, crafts and more. For September & October we will focusing on the following themes:

Session 1: Every Living Thing Needs Shelter—Shelter Protects Life Participants will develop their skills of awareness as the first step in compassion by noticing how God provides shelter in the Bible.
Session 2: Every Living Thing Needs Food—Food Energizes Life Participants will practice gratitude for food by compassionately acknowledging the world God made (as described in Psalm 104).

In November and December we will begin rehearsal for our Christmas Program scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 19th in worship.

Please pick up your child from the classroom promptly at 9:45 am.

Queer & Affirming Progressive Christian Youth & Adult Ministry

We have an exciting, ecumenical opportunity for youth (ages K-12th grade) and adults. Mark your calendars for the 2nd & 4th  Wednesdays of the month September -May. Dinner will be provided.  We spent our first two gatherings in September building relationships and community. We continue to welcome new folks and focus on theme of justice, compassion, affirming identities and beloved community.

WHAT?  LGBTQIA+Affirming, #Black Lives Matter proclaiming children/youth/family ministry between Downtown Disciples, New Beginnings Christian Church and Urbandale UCC.

The purpose of this ministry is to proclaim in body, mind and spirit the good news of Christ that all persons are beloved by God and created in the image of God. Goals of this ministry are to:

    1. Provide a safe space for children/youth/families to grow in faith and to experience the affirmation of their identity as beloved children/people of God.
    2. Provide a healthy free meal for participants.
    3. Provide Christian faith-based programming around the teaching of Jesus for participants of all ages. This programming will include progressive Christian curriculum through various mediums.

WHEN? 2nd & 4th Sundays from 5:30-7pm. This program runs September-May 2024

WHY?  Statistics show that queer, transgender, black and brown youth are at a significantly higher risk of suicide, poverty, housing insecurity and bullying. This ministry will counter the growing, hateful rhetoric, condemnation and systemic oppression of queer, black and brown and immigrant youth and families. By creating a safe, sacred, affirming and diverse community, together we will grow in our ability to be a movement for wholeness in this fragmented world.

WHERE? Lion Ralph Whitten Community Shelter in Lion’s Park.     

Located at the corner of 72nd Street & Prairie Ave, Urbandale.

Please complete the following registration at the google link: FILL OUT IN GOOGLE FORMS


During the program year

Sunday mornings, 9:00-9:45

Our Adult Spiritual Formation aims to spark some creativity and make room for the Holy Spirit to move us! This is an opportunity to develop and nurture the connection between our head, heart and hands (see Current ASF Schedule).

We are looking for individuals who would be interested in leading a session or more. Materials are available that address a wide variety of topics from politics, environmentalism, feminism to devotions, building community and overcoming poverty. The opportunities are endless. Please contact Amy Murray,, with your interest.

Also offered throughout the year are other evening educational opportunities, retreats, and groups like the Book Group. Look for more information in The CALL and the Sunday bulletin. Education opportunities may also be offered as part of Wednesday Night Alive!


Vacation Bible School

Our  2019 VBS schedule will be announced in spring 2019. See below for photos from last summer’s program.


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